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Abstract Submission

Abstract submission deadline: 5 pm Eastern Standard Time (EST), April 19, 2024.

Presenting authors of accepted abstracts will be notified by Friday May 3, 2024.

Abstract Guidelines

The purposes of a conference abstract are:

  • to help reviewers determine whether the presentation would be suitable for ISIMS conference and if so, find the best placement for the presentation within the technical program.

  • to guide attendees towards expectations of the presentation and identify potential collaboration opportunities.

What are reviewers looking for? An abstract that

  • can be understood as a standalone text.

  • is written in complete sentences, with acronyms spelled out the first time it is introduced.

  • contains sufficient information to let readers understand what the presentation will be about (e.g., what problem the study is attempting to solve) and the impact it brings - in no more than 500 words. 

  • does not disparage other studies/methods/technologies. It is fine to brag about your invention, but please be respectful.

Reference: ANSI/NISO Z39.14-1997 (R2015) Guidelines for Abstracts | NISO website

Full talks are 15-25 minutes in length, followed by 5 minutes of questions. Lightning talks are 5-10 minutes in length, followed by 5 minutes of questions, and may be suitable for first-time presenters. Poster presentations are typically suitable for research topics that would benefit from one-on-one discussions with conference attendees. If you are not sure which type of presentation to choose, please contact the conference organizer.

Please note that presentation certificate will only be issued, upon request, to the presenting author.

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