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ISIMS Constitution

ISIMS Constitution 2021 revision


International Society for Ion Mobility Spectrometry



Article I - Name and Purpose

Section 1:          Name


The Name of the organization shall be the International Society for Ion Mobility Spectrometry (ISIMS) hereinafter referred to as “the Society”.


Section 2:          Purpose


The purposes of this Society are to:

  1. promote the use of ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) and gas phase ion-molecule chemistry as an analytical technique;

  2. promote education on IMS theory and practice;

  3. provide opportunity for the free exchange of ideas and information on IMS through yearly conferences, poster sessions, vendor exhibits, and publications;

  4. encourage the spirit of unity and cooperation among Society members to advance the Society’s objectives.


Section 3:          Restrictions


This Society is open to those using IMS (as a stand-alone technique or in combination with other analytical instruments) or with a strong interest in IMS as an analytical technique. The Society shall be restricted to dues paying members or those exempt from dues in accordance with the constitution as approved by the Board of Directors (see Article IV) e.g. established members in retirement (see Article III).


Article II - Membership

Section 1:          Requirements


Membership is extended to anyone, in particular to all scientists, engineers, management and sales personnel, and university students who are interested in the development and / or application of IMS as an analytical technique or are interested in gas phase ion-molecule chemistry. Members are expected to conduct themselves professionally. Membership application or renewal may be rejected if an applicant’s conduct is deemed to be unprofessional such that it may bring the Society into disrepute (see Bylaws Article 1 Section 1).


Article III - Dues


Section 1:          Annual Dues


Affiliated membership may be purchased through the official ISIMS website. For those attending the annual conference, the dues are waived for that year’s full membership. Established members in retirement are exempt from paying dues (see Bylaws Article III).


Article IV - Board of Directors and Officers


Section 1:          Board of Directors


The policy-making body of the Society shall be a Board of Directors consisting of the Officers and four Members at large as voting members. Additionally, the Organizers of the present and of the upcoming conferences may serve as non-voting members until one year has passed after their conference. The Chair of the Board shall be the current President.


Section 2:          Officers


The officers of this Society shall be a President, President Elect, Past President, Secretary, Treasurers (2), Technical Program Chair, Nominations Chair, Membership Officer, Webmaster, and Sponsorship Liaison each elected by the Members of the Board for 2 (two) years, except the Treasurers (2) and Webmaster who will be elected for 5 (five) years. An honorary voting position on the Board is held by the Chair of the Advisory Panel. Officers completing their official term of duty and not qualifying, or not eligible to take up further official duties, shall be eligible to serve on the Advisory Panel as decided by the Board of Directors.


Section 3:          Eligibility and Duties


Eligibility requirements and duties of Officers and Directors shall be as prescribed in the bylaws.




Article V - Election


Section 1:          Officers and Members at large


The Officers are elected for a 2 (two) year period by the Board of Directors by secret ballot with the following exceptions:

  1. the President and the Past President. The President Elect will automatically become President after 2 (two) years serving as President Elect and the President will become the Past President after serving for 2 (two) years as President.

  2. The Treasurers and Webmaster are each elected for a period of 5 (five) years.

The Members at large are elected for a 2 (two) year period by the general membership by secret ballot as prescribed in the bylaws at the annual ISIMS conference. If a Member at large is unable to perform actively their duties in accordance with the constitution they will be disqualified from standing for election at the next election.


Section 2:           Nominations


Nominations for Officers of the Board of Directors shall be presented to the Board by the Nominations Chair and elections shall be completed during the Board meeting prior to or at the first day of the annual conference.

Nominations for Members at large shall be presented to the membership during the annual conference, at least 1 (one) day before the elections. The candidates will have the opportunity to present themselves to the membership. Voting shall be completed during the annual conference.


Section 3:          Advisory Panel Chair


The members of the Advisory Panel will appoint a Chair for the participation in the Board of Directors (see Article IV Section 2).


Article VI - Meetings


Section 1:          Annual General Meeting


There shall be an Annual General Meeting during the annual conference of the Society as prescribed in the bylaws.


Section 2:          Board Meetings


The Board of Directors shall meet regularly at least once a year at the annual conference. The Board of Directors shall meet virtually on a regular basis between conferences to discuss and, if necessary, vote on Society business. Special meetings may be called by the Chair of the Board, or upon petition generated by at least three members of the Board of Directors.


Section 3:          Meeting Quorum


No quorum is set for the Annual General Meeting of the society members. A quorum of the Board of Directors for the transaction of business shall be a majority of the Board of Directors.


Section 4:          Procedure


The rules of procedure contained in Robert’s RULES OF ORDER, REVISED shall be used in the conduct of business of the Society in all cases that are not covered by the constitution, bylaws, or other special rules of this Society.


Article VII - Committees


Section 1:          Committees


Additional standing committees can be initiated by the Board of Directors. Additional committees may have a temporary nature as defined by the Chair or the Board of Directors.


Article VIII - Amendments


Section 1:          Procedure


The constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any regular or special meeting. Amendments must be proposed in writing over the signed petition of 10 (ten) members and presented to the Board of Directors at least 30 days prior to a regularly scheduled meeting. The Board of Directors must give notification of the vote on a proposed amendment at the beginning of a regularly scheduled meeting. The vote shall take place during a regularly scheduled meeting. 






ARTICLE I - Membership


Section 1:          Admission to Membership


Any participant of the annual conference will have full membership for 1 (one) year from August 1st. Any person joining via the website and not attending the conference is an affiliate member of the society for 1 (one) year or part year until July 31st.


Members are expected to conduct themselves professionally. Membership may be refused if an applicant’s conduct is deemed to be unprofessional such that it may bring the Society into disrepute. The Society has sole right and discretion to determine whether to accept a Member or affiliate member, and may reject a Member’s conference registration, with or without explanation.


Section 2.          Retired Members


Established members of the Society who retire from their place of employment shall have their dues waived.


ARTICLE II - Eligibility of Officers and Directors


Section 1:          Officers


Officers consist of the following positions: President, President Elect, Past President, Secretary, Treasurers (2), Technical Program Chair, Nominations Chair, Membership Officer, Webmaster, Sponsorship Liaison, and Advisory Panel Chair. Any candidate for these positions shall have been a full member of the Society for a minimum of 2 (two) years and served as a Member at large before taking office.


Section 2:          Directors


The Directors consist of the Officers and 4 (four) Members at large. Any candidate for the Member at large positions shall have been a full member of the Society for a minimum of 2 (two) years before taking office. All Directors must be current members of the Society.


Section 3:          Term


The term of Office or membership of the Board of Directors shall commence at the end of the applicable annual conference.




Section 1:          Annual Dues


Each member shall be required to pay dues except when attending the annual conference, when dues shall be waived for that year, or for established members retired from their place of work. Each member not participating in the conference shall pay dues for the coming 12 months starting at August 1st.

Annual dues are defined by the Board of Directors every year prior to the annual conference and are published on the Society’s website.

All those not registered for the annual conference can join the society as affiliate members via the Society’s website.


ARTICLE IV - Duties of Officers and Board of Directors


Section 1:             Board of Directors


Duties shall be to:

  1. promote the work of the Society, including the annual conferences;

  2. serve as the policy-making body of the organization;

  3. set immediate goals for the current administrative year, and long-term plans and goals for future development;

  4. approve the annual budget;

  5. complete the annual financial audit during the annual meeting;

  6. serve as an evaluation committee to report on membership, meetings, programs, and other activities;

  7. continuously monitor activities in the Society to assure that Board policies are being observed;

  8. participate in annual conferences and regular and special Board meetings of the Society;

  9. vote on all Board business when a vote is mandated.

The Board of Directors may cause the removal and replacement of a Director for irregular attendance at Board meetings or failure to fulfil their responsibilities upon a two-thirds vote of the Board.


Section 2:          Board Membership


The Board of Directors will be composed of the Officers and 4 (four) Members at large.

All Directors must be current members of the Society.


Section 3:          President


Duties shall be:

  1. responsible to the Board of Directors for the satisfactory operation of the Society in accordance with the constitution and the bylaws established by the Board;

  2. preside at all regular and special Board meetings of the Society;

  3. sign all written contracts on behalf of the Society as authorized by the Board of Directors or delegate this signing authority to an appropriate individual including the conference organizer;

  4. following term as President, serve on the Board of Directors as Past President for the next 2 (two) program years;

  5. signature authority in the absence of the Treasurers.


Section 4:          President Elect


Duties shall be:

  1. in the absence of the President, perform the duties of the President;

  2. perform such other duties pertaining to the office as designated by the President;

  3. following term as President Elect, serve on the Board of Directors as the President for the next 2 (two) program years.


Section 5:          Past President


Duties shall be to:

  1. support the President and the entire Board of Directors.


Section 6:          Secretary


Duties shall be to:

  1. take minutes of all Board meetings, general membership meetings and send minutes to the members of the Board.

  2. perform such other duties pertaining to the office as may be designated by the President.


Section 7:          Treasurer


Duties shall be to:

  1. assume responsibility for the funds of the Society and deposit them in a depository approved by the Board of Directors;

  2. with the Conference Organizer, concur with written conference contracts as authorized by the Board of Directors;

  3. pay all bills that fall within the budget, provided the invoices are approved by the official responsible for the activity;

  4. pay all other bills which are duly approved by the Board of Directors. Bills below $500 do not need approval by the Board of directors but the Board does need to be notified with a reasonable time for response {minimum 1 (one) week);

  5. keep accurate and up-to-date books of account of receipts and expenditures which shall be open at all times for inspection by the Board of Directors;

  6. make such reports as designated by the President.

The Board of Directors shall serve as the Finance Committee with responsibility for approval of the annual budget.


Section 8:          Technical Program Chair


Duties shall be to:

  1. assemble a suitable review panel for assessment of the submitted abstracts;

  2. assume responsibility for the technical content and copy-editing of abstracts for acceptance to the technical program;

  3. inform the authors of submitted abstracts by the due date agreed by the Board of Directors, whether their abstract has been accepted or rejected;

  4. compile the technical program for the annual conference in accordance with the conference organizers’ specified format for approval by the Board of Directors.


Section 9:          Nominations Chair


Duties shall be to:

  1. engage with the membership, promote the work of the Society including that of the Board of Directors, survey for potential members of the Board of Directors and encourage their future participation;

  2. explain the composition and work of the Board of Directors at the start of the annual conference;

  3. invite nominations from the membership at the start of the annual conference in the years requiring Members at large vacancies to be filled;

  4. organize an occasion in the program of the annual conference for nominees to present themselves to the membership in order for them to articulate their experience in IMS and their visions for the future work of the Society, organize a voting session during the annual conference, and inform the membership of the results.


Section 10:        Membership Officer


Duties shall be to:

  1. manage and update the membership records;

  2. be involved throughout the registration process to identify first-time annual conference attendees to Organizers and Board Members, to facilitate identification of suitable pairing of mentors and networking contacts;

  3. liaise with the Webmaster to maintain membership emailing list up to date.


Section 11:        Webmaster


Duties shall be to:

  1. assume responsibility for the maintenance and improvement of the Society’s website;

  2. assume responsibility for communicating with the general membership and maintaining the Society’s emailing list.


Section 12:        Sponsorship Liaison


Duties shall be to:

  1. assume responsibility for liaison with potential sponsors for the solicitation of support, e.g. financial, technical, promotional work                    of the Society;

  2. assume responsibility for all correspondence relating to sponsorship.


Section 13:        Members at large


Qualification shall be to:

  1. have been a full member of the Society for at least 2 (two) years.

Duties shall be to:

  1. support the work of Board of Directors, including attending annual conferences and Board meetings;

  2. support and promote the work of the Society.


Section 14:        Advisory Panel


Qualification shall be:

  1. Ex Officio members who have completed their term shall qualify to serve as specialist advisors to the Society if required by the                       Board of Directors;

  2. others who are related to the purpose of the society as proposed and elected by the Board of Directors;

Panel members will be selected by the Board of Directors.

NOTE The Chair will be selected by the members of the Advisory Panel.

Duties shall be to:

  1. support the Board of Directors, including attending Board meetings

NOTE Chair of the Advisory Panel has voting rights on Board of Directors;

  1. support and promote the work of the Society;

  2. advise and support conference organizers.


Section 15:        Advisory Panel Chair


Qualification shall be:

  1. ex officio member who has completed their term and been voted onto the Advisory Panel in accordance with Section 14.


The Chair will be selected by the members of the Advisory Panel.

Duties shall be to:

  1. support the Board of Directors, including attending Board meetings;

  2. communicate with the members of the Advisory Panel and carry out voting survey when a vote is required by the Board, using  the majority vote to convey to the Board


NOTE Chair of the Advisory Panel has voting rights on Board of Directors;

  1. support and promote the work of the Society;

  2. advise and support conference organizers.


ARTICLE V - Committees


Section 4:          Committees


Additional committees may consist of an editorial, finance or other committees of another special nature.


All Chair of special committees shall be appointed by the Chair of the Board of Directors and concurred upon by the remainder of the Board of Directors.


ARTICLE VI - Vacancies of Officers


Section 1:          Procedure


If a vacancy occurs in a directorship during the 2 (two) year period, the Board of Directors shall appoint a qualified member to serve for the balance of the year.


ARTICLE VII - Nominating and Election Procedure


Section1:           Nomination


At the beginning of the annual conference the Nominations Chair shall present the Board of Directors and announce any open Member at large positions and call for eligible members (see [Bylaws] Article II Section 2) to be nominated for the elections of these open positions. Nominated persons shall have the opportunity to present themselves to the members during the annual conference.


Section 3:          Procedures and Time of Election


Election of Members at large shall be held during the Society’s annual conference. The Board of Directors may change the time of the election if special circumstances exist.




Section 1:          Annual Board Meeting


This Board of Directors shall meet at least yearly in conjunction with the Society’s annual conference. All business needing approval of the membership will be presented at this meeting. All annual reports will be presented. Installation of Officers and Directors will be held.


Section 1:          Interim


This Board of Directors shall meet virtually several times each year to discuss on-going business and, when necessary, complete voting as the necessity arises.


Section 2:          Special


Special meetings of the Society may be called for a specific purpose only. No other business may be transacted at this meeting. Special meetings may be called by the President or a majority of the Board of Directors, or two-thirds of the membership. The membership must be given a two-week advance notice before the meeting is convened.


Section 3:          Board of Directors


The Board will establish annual and interim meetings, with interim meetings being held virtually. Special meeting dates for the Board, in lieu of or in addition to the above, shall be as decided by the Board.


ARTICLE IX - Amendments


Section 1:          Procedure


The bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board of Directors.

Any proposal for amendments to the bylaws must be presented in writing to the Board of Directors 2 weeks prior to a regularly scheduled meeting. The Board of Directors must give notification of the vote on a proposed amendment at the beginning of a regularly scheduled general meeting. The vote shall take place on the last day of the regularly scheduled general meeting.

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