Membership is extended to anyone, in particular to all scientists, engineers, management and sales personnel, and university students who are interested in the development and / or application of IMS as an analytical technique or are interested in ambient pressure gas phase ion-molecule chemistry. Membership in the Society is automatically granted to those attending the annual conference. Membership may also be purchased separately for those unable to attend the annual conference by sending an email to isims.society(at)gmail.com
The policy-making body of the Society is the Board of Directors consisting of Officers and Members-at-large as voting members. The members of the board of directors are listed below.
Maggie Tam
Canada Border Services Agency, Canada
President Elect
Hartwig Schmidt
Rapiscan Systems, USA
Past President
Wolfgang Vautz
Leibniz Institure for Analytital Sciences (ISAS) & ION-GAS GmbH, Germany
Brian Hauck
Membership officer
Hilary Bollan MBE
United Kindom Ministry of Defence (Retired), UK
Tom Limero
KBRwyle/NASA Johnson Space Center, USA
Brian Clowers
Washington State University, USA
Osmo Anttalainen
Olfactomics Oy, Finland
Sponsorship Liaison
Herb Hill
Washington State University (Emeritus), USA
Sponsorship Liaison
Lourdes Arce
University of Cordoba, Spain
Nomination Officer
Andreas Walte
Airsense Analytics GmbH, Germany
Technical program Officer
Paul Rauch
Chemiring Detection Systems, USA
Journal Editor
Jorg Ingo Baumbach
B&S Analytic, Germany
Member at large 1
Ching Wu
Excellims, USA
Member at large 2
Alex Hill
Defence Science & Technology Lab, Fort Halstad, UK
Member at large 3
Alexander Bohnhorst
Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
Member at large 4
Haiyang Li
Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, China
Ex officio members:
Steve Harden
U.S. Army CCDC Chemical Biological Center, USA
Gary Eiceman
New Mexico State University, USA
Paul Thomas
Loughborough University, UK
Dave Atkinson
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
Vince McHugh
U.S. Army CCDC Chemical Biological Center, USA
Pierre Pilon
Canada Boarder Services Agency (retired), Canada
Robert Ewing
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
2019 Conference Organizer
Stefan Zimmerman
Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
If you would like more information on the Society and the annual conference please send an email to isims.society(at)gmail.com