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ISIMS Code of Conduct

The International Society for Ion Mobility Spectrometry (ISIMS, the “Society”) consists of members from different nationalities and cultures. While recognizing our diversity, we strive to maintain an atmosphere of mutual respect, professionalism, fairness, inclusion, and acceptance at all Society events, whether virtual or in person. As such, those who participate in the Society and its events are expected to adhere to a Code of Conduct within the Society. This Code of Conduct applies to all participants and guests associated with the Society events, regardless of registration status.

The Society asks participants and guests of ISIMS events to conduct themselves in a professional manner, by:

  • Treating others with dignity, respect, and kindness;

  • Offering constructive feedback and support of other’s work;

  • Welcoming new members, and fostering an atmosphere of inclusion, participation, and encouragement;

  • Respecting each other’s intellectual ownership (e.g., photography and/or videography of oral and poster presentation is not allowed);

  • Being mindful of others’ comfort levels and consent in conversational topics and physical contact.

The Society does not tolerate or condone harassment or discrimination of any kind.

Participants who wish to notify the Board of the Society of infractions are encouraged to talk to any of the Board members in person and/or reach the Board via their email address The Board pledges to work to resolve conflicts, concerns, or issues brought to their attention, and reconcile parties whenever possible. However, the Board also retains the right to address unacceptable behavior by taking any action necessary to reestablish or maintain a respectful environment conducive to the purpose of the Society as defined in its Constitution and make a decision on how to best achieve this.

Consequences of unacceptable behavior include but are not limited to

  • Immediate compliance;

  • Revocation of attendance;

  • Being stripped of membership, board position, and any honorary title within the Society, if applicable;

  • Being barred from future Society events (in-person and virtual);

  • Report to the one's management;

  • And in severe cases, immediate report to local law enforcement.

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© International Society for Ion Mobility Spectrometry 2019

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